

时间: 2024/06

        Published in Särtyk ur Meddelanden från Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård (Acta Horti Gothoburgensis) 1: 148. 1924; based on a type specimen collected by H. Smith in the Huanglong valley on July 23, 1922. A synonym is Goodyera wolongensis K.Y. Lang 1984, published in Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 22 (4): 314. 1984.

        Goodyera serpens grows together with G. repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown in the Huanglong valley but is a much rarer plant of mossy ground in coniferous forest. It is in all parts larger than G. repens, the leaves are green and the sepals and to a lesser extent the petals are green to bright brown on the outside. The rostellum is bilobed (or, as Schlechter put it, formed like pliers) and the lip carries 3-4 tiny ridges. So far the species has only been recorded from 3380 m altitude in the Huanglong valley and from 2700 m in Wolong National Panda reserve. A more comprehensive search would certainly result in further confirmed localities for this orchid. The plant is 15-18 cm tall with a leaf rosette of 5-8 cm diameter and 12-20 flowers of 5-6 cm diameter.


        在黄龙沟,卧龙斑叶兰和小斑叶兰是相互伴生在一起,零星生于针叶林下的苔藓丛中。卧龙斑叶兰叶片为绿色,萼片及花瓣外表面为绿色至棕色,蕊喙二裂(施勒希特将其描述为钳子状),唇瓣上有3-4个微小的脊。在黄龙沟,卧龙斑叶兰海拔在3380米左右,而在卧龙国家大熊猫自然保护区该种的海拔仅达2700米。至于卧龙斑叶兰的详细分布还需更全面的调查。卧龙斑叶兰植株高通常为15-18厘米,叶片莲座状,莲座直径为5-8厘米,总状花序,具12-20朵花, 花直径为5-6毫米。
