

时间: 2024/06

        Published in Collection des Orchidées le plus remarquables de l'Archipel Indien et du Japon: 188. 1858. The basionym is Serapias erecta Thunberg published in Flora Japonica: 27. 1784. A synonym is C. szechuanica Schlechter, published in Acta Horti Gothoburgensis 1: 146. 1924.

        Cephalanthera erecta (Thunberg) Blume is a relative small species. From the superficially similar C. longifolia (Linnaeus) Fritsch it can be discriminated immediately by the pronounced chin-like spur of the lip. It is usually also much smaller, often not much taller than 15 cm and has smaller white flowers which lack the yellow-orange coloration on the lip. Generally it ranges in height from 10-30 cm and the 1-12 flowers are 7-12 mm across. In Huanglong the species grows in dense scrub in shade to open shade at altitudes from 1800-2300 m.

        地生草本,高10-30厘米。茎纤细,直立,下部具2-4枚鞘,中部以上具2-4 ( 5)枚叶。叶片椭圆形至卵状披针形,长2-8厘米,宽0.7-2.3厘米,先端急尖或渐尖,基部收狭并抱茎。总状花序长2-8厘米,具3-10朵花;花序轴有棱;花苞片通常较小,狭三角形至披针形,长1-3毫米,但最下面1枚常为叶状,有时长可达花序的一半或与花序等长;花白色;萼片长圆状椭圆形,长8-10毫米,宽2.5-3.5毫米,先端急尖或钝,具5脉;花瓣与萼片相似,但稍短;唇瓣长5-6毫米,3裂,基部有距;侧裂片卵状三角形或披针形,多少围抱蕊柱;中裂片近心形或宽卵形,长约3毫米,宽4-5毫米,上面有3条纵褶片,纵褶片向前方逐渐为乳突所代替;距圆锥形,长约3毫米,末端稍锐尖,伸出侧萼片基部之外;蕊柱长3.5-4毫米。蒴果狭椭圆形或宽圆筒形,长约1.5厘米,宽3.5-4.5毫米。花期4-6月,果期8-9月。

        银兰植株比较矮小。乍看该种与头蕊兰有些相似, 但仔细观察就会发现它们之间有明显的不同, 银兰唇瓣基部具有明显的颚状距。植株一般高10-30厘米,顶端具1-12朵花。花较小, 直径7-12毫米, 白色, 唇瓣无橘黄色斑点。在黄龙, 银兰多生长在海拔1800-2300米密灌木丛中的荫蔽处。
