

时间: 2024/06

         Published in Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 12: 352. 1966.
         Basionym is Orchis chusua D. Don, 1825, published in Prodomus Florae Nepalensis: 23. 1825.
         Synonyms are Orchis giraldiana Kraenzlin, 1905, published in Engler A.: Botanische Jahrbuecher 36, Beiblatt 82: 25; 1905; and Chusua pauciflora (Lindley) P.F. Hunt, 1971, published in Kew Bulletin 26 (1): 175;1971

         Ponerorchis Reichenbach f., 1852, is a genus easily differentiated from Orchis Linnaeus, 1753, by the overall habit and especially by the viscidia being covered by two separate membranous bursicles. In the Flora of the U.S.S.R., vol. 4, S.A. Nevski published the genus Chusua Nevski, 1935. This genus is regarded synonymous with Ponerorchis. Cribb (2001) stated that molecular data suggests that Chusua is distinctly different from Ponerorchis, but no further data were provided and Chusua was formally treated as synonymous to Ponerorchis by Cribb, a view we follow here. Ponerorchis chusua is a very widespread species that occurs from the Himalayas to the Russian Far East. In Southwest China it is a common orchid and it can be found in Huanglong in alpine meadows, open shrub and forest margins at altitudes from 2800-3600 m. Dense populations occur in the Huanglong valley. The plant reaches a height of 10-30 cm and carries 2-20 flowers 1.5-2 cm across.

         Flowering: late June-July.

        小蝶兰属与红门兰属Orchis Linnaeus很容易根据它们的生长习性,特别是两个粘盘被膜状粘囊覆盖等特征而将它们区分开。1935苏联植物学家列韦斯基S.A. Nevski在苏联植物志( 英文版)第4卷上发表一个新属措娃兰属Chusua Nevski, 1935(注chusua一词来自尼泊尔当地人对一种兰花俗称的发音)。这个属被认为是小蝶兰属的异名属。尽管分子系统学证据表明措娃兰属与小蝶兰属应该是不同的两个属,但还没有更有说服力的证据来证明这一观点,因此,菲利普 • 克里珀将措娃兰属视为是小蝶兰属的异名属,我们也同意这一观点。广布小蝶兰分布非常广泛,从喜马拉雅ft 脉到俄罗斯远东地区均有分布。在中国的西南地区,广布小蝶兰的分布也非常广。黄龙的广布小蝶兰,生长在海拔2800-3600米的高ft 草甸上,开阔灌丛或者林缘。广布小蝶兰在黄龙沟特别普遍。广布小蝶兰植株高10-30厘米,花序顶生,总状,通常具2-20朵花,花直径一般是1.5-2厘米。
